Wednesday, July 2, 2014


  1. Licorice is useful in bacterial and viral infections. Licorice is a very simple and low costing remedy for coughs and colds. Its even helpful for sore throat and bronchitis. 
  2. Licorice lightens skin tone, protects against Ultra violet radiation  and treats most skin disorders so it is also known for being a beautifier.
  3.  For body aches or burns, chew a stick of licorice.Being a antispasmodic, ant-inflammatory and mild presence of phyto-estrogen makes licorice a good herb for correcting PMS related symptoms. Take Licorice tea from 3 days advance to getting menstruation. (or chew licorice for a while).
  4. Taking 1 tsp of licorice powder in the night can help in cases of constipation
  5. Licorice help with digestive disorders like colic, ulcer and chronic gastritis.
  6. For sour belching and heart burns, 1/4 tsp 3 times a day helps.
  7. For peptic duodenal ulcers, licorice tea is helpful. 
  8. Licorice powder mixed with honey is a remedy for hiccups.
  9. It is also a blood purifier and controls bleeding.
  10. Licorice can be at great help for liver disorders. It helps liver cells to protect against fatty liver, diet induced injuries and  oxidative stress.
  11. Licorice help control nervousness and depression.
  12. Licorice is helpful for menopausal hormonal problems like mood swings, hot flashes, and exhaustion.
  13. Licorice is useful for various skin disorders like eczema, dry itchy skin, psoriasis, acne, rosacea and rashes including the one after loosing hair on scalp and body. Soak licorice powder in water and apply on affected area.
  14. If licorice is taken in a small quantity when you experience frequent vomiting, it can stop it. But when taken in large amounts, it will induce vomiting. If a person somehow happens to have poison in their system or in a case of food poisoning, the first step to cure is to make the patient vomit. Vomit will throw all poison out from the system and it will increase the chances of survival greatly. 
  15. Drinking Licorice tea or 1/2 ts of licorice helps in reducing weight.
  16. Licorice helps fighting infections like HIV, TB, herpes, shingles and hepatitis.
  17. Anti- inflammatory property of licorice helps with rheumatoid arthritis.
  18. Licorice is helpful in detoxification of liver and blood.
  19. Licorice helps in treating hormonal infertility in women.
  20. Licorice helps for skin disorders like dandruff and dry skin or oil secretion in scalp and promotes healthy hair growth.
  21. Anti-bacterial property of licorice makes it a good use for dental problems like plaque, gingivitis and for maintaining normal oral hygiene.
22. Licorice strengthens vocal cords, so it is very useful for those whose occupations require excessive usage of vocal chords like politicians, singers, teachers, lawyers, etc.

    *It's better to seek expert's advice before taking licorice if taking it more than 10 grams a day.
    *If you are taking any medications or pregnant, please consult experts before taking any remedies.

    * These are general guidelines but everyone has different "TASIR" (nature of body), so follow that also.
    *Best approach is to eat variety of nutritionally dense food rather than concentrating on one.
    *Good things are good till used in moderation, overdo is not good.

    Friday, June 27, 2014

    Benefits of Pomegranate

    • Rich in anti-oxidants:
              Pomegranates are one of the most anti-oxidant fruits.
    • Cancer Preventing:
              The anti-oxidants in pomegranates help prevent many types of cancer.
    • Maintains Cardiovascular Health:
              Pomegranate is a great blood thinner as well as reduces blood pressure. It also helps               lower the cholesterol in your body and clears/stops plaque in blood vessels.
    • Weight loss:
              Pomegranates have a property to provide energy and cleanse the body.
    • Slows aging:
              They prevent many signs  aging such as wrinkles and age spots.

    * These are general guidelines but everyone has different "TASIR" (nature of body), so follow that also.
    *Best approach is to eat variety of nutritionally dense food rather than concentrating on one.
    *Good things are good till used in moderation, overdo is not good.



    • Good source of calcium, iron, and vitamin B6.
    • Rosemary is a rich source of antioxidants as well as anti-inflammatory compounds.
    • It helps in treating indigestion and other digestion issues.
    • Rosemary is also of great neurological age. It enhances memory and concentration. Carnosic acid, present in rosemary, helps in fending off radical damage on the brain. It delays brain aging.
    • Rosemary is also known to fight off many of the cancer-causing agents thus preventing many cancers.
    • The carnosic acid found in rosemary promotes eye health.
    • Helps in treatment of high blood pressure.
    • Rosemary oil is useful for the health of your hair too-it cures premature graying, dandruff, increases luster of hair, and also helps in hair growth.
    * These are general guidelines but everyone has different "TASIR" (nature of body), so follow that also.
    *Best approach is to eat variety of nutritionally dense food rather than concentrating on one.
    *Good things are good till used in moderation, overdo is not good.

    Thursday, June 26, 2014

    Benefits of Fennel Seeds

    • In Indian cuisine, there is a tradition of taking a few fennel seeds after a meal and chewing them (it's called mukhvas, meaning mouth freshener). 
    • This helps in the digestion of food by increasing digestive fluids. 
    • Fennel seeds are anti-flatulence so prevents gastric problems.
    • They also help in diarrhea and piles.
    • When experiencing diarrhea with bloating and cramps, chew 2-3 teaspoons until it is very finely ground. Then drink water.
    • For arthritis joint pain, boil one glass of water with 4 teaspoons of fennel seeds until there is 1/4 glass of water left. Then add 1 teaspoon of Castor oil and take this twice a day-morning and evening. Continue until you are fully recovered.
    • High level of potassium in fennel seeds help healthy brain functions and maintaining healthy blood pressure.
    • Fennel seeds are known as seeds of sight since it improves eyesight.
    • When dehydrated, fennel and coriander seeds concoction cures.
    • Iron and amino acid found in fennel seeds help against anemia.
    • Fennel is a Anti-oxidant so prevents from many degenerative decease .
    • Increases red blood cell production.
    • Increases urine frequency, so throws toxins out.
    • Helps in and prevents cardiovascular decease. 
    • Fennel  seeds help fight against scalp and hair infections.
    • fennel seeds help in reduction of PMS symptoms and related pain.
    • Vitamin c in fennel helps in boosting immunity.

    *When experiencing constipation or mouth ulcers one should discontinue ingesting fennel seeds for the time being. (Some theory believes that roughage in fennel seeds helps with constipation)
    * These are general guidelines, but everyone has different "TASIR" (nature of body), so follow that also.
    *Best approach is to eat a variety of nutritionally dense food rather than concentrating on one.
    *Good things are good until used in moderation, when overdone it is not good.


    A couple of facts on cinnamon:
    -Cinnamon is actually the bark of a cinnamon tree. The leaves of a cinnamon tree are bay leaves. Cinnamon starts to harvest after the tree turns two years old.
    -In taste, cinnamon is fragrant, spicy, and sweet.
    -Srilankan cinnamon is known to be the best quality cinnamon because of its thin and fragrant variety.
    Benefits of Cinnamon:
    -It is useful in dry cough, tonsillitis, and sore throat. In this case, take a cotton swab with a long handle. Dip it in cinnamon oil and apply in the throat and tonsils
    -For bad breath, loose teeth, or painful teeth, add one teaspoon cinnamon powder in a glass of warm water and gargle it.
    -If any pain is experienced in a decaying tooth, take cinnamon oil on a swab and apply on the tooth.
    -For motion sickness or nausea, chewing on some cinnamon will help.
    -Cinnamon paste helps in swollen and painful wounds.
    -For headaches, cinnamon, dry ginger, and black pepper paste is useful.
    -For warts and uneven skin tone apply cinnamon paste made with lemon.
    -For swelling of joints, massage them with cinnamon oil
    -For colds, sinusitis, and headaches, inhale the steam of eucalyptus and cinnamon oil mixed. On a handkerchief, pour a few drops of cinnamon and eucalyptus oil, and inhale it.
    -Cinnamon is also a cancer preventer 
    -It is effective against candida yeast infections and also boosts your immune system
    -It is very useful in controlling blood sugar level 
    -Cinnamon is a natural disinfectant and anti-fungal 
    -With its bacteria-preventing properties, cinnamon is a food preservative.
    -Improves mental health- memory, alertness, cognitive development, and prevents Alzheimer's
    -Cinnamon is a mood enhancer as well

    * These are general guidelines but everyone has different "TASIR" (nature of body), so follow that also.
    *Best approach is to eat variety of nutritionally dense food rather than concentrating on one.
    *Good things are good till used in moderation, overdo is not good.

    Wednesday, June 25, 2014


    In nature we can find all the colors of the rainbow easily except blue. Blueberries are one of these hard-to-find blue foods or truly only one true blue to enjoy simply (without any cooking required).This antioxidant-rich berry has a numerous amount of benefits. To maximize the antioxidant benefits of blueberries, you should eat them raw and go for the organic blueberries.

    - Helps in improvement of brain health, thus helping to improve memory

    - Delays the onset of cognitive issues usually connected to aging

    - Blueberries can also be freezed without damaging the anthocyanin oxidants in them, so they can be eaten all throughout the year, even after the season is over

    -They are great for the regulation of blood sugar

    -It is of great aid in belly fat reduction

    -Promotes urinary tract health as well